Jericho Church Without Walls
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Our Pastor


Reverend Anthony DeVere Burns graduated from Washington High School in 1977(Milwaukee, WI) and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior on Easter Sunday 1979.  He attended various colleges graduating in 1989 from New Tribes Bible College in Waukesha, Wisconsin.


A.D. Burns has taught in several conventions, and has served as counselor with Cedine Bible Camp in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  A.D. Burns has broadcasted on local radio and television in Milwaukee, WI.  He is a Lifeway Christian Resource consultant and has conducted many workshops and seminars including revivals throughout the USA.


In 1988, A.D. Burns traveled to West Africa residing for three months as a missionary.  There, with 19 Christians from all over the USA, they constructed homes and built a school.  A.D. Burns says, "It was there that he felt God’s call and the preaching of the Word of God became alive in his life."  The concept of "The Church Without Walls" was born during this missionary journey. 


A.D. Burns received his honorary Doctorate Degree in Divinity fromGrace Theological Institute and is married to Robin L. Burns who is an Elementary School Teacher for Milwaukee Public Schools.  She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois and her Master’s Degree in Elementary Education from National Louis College.